Thursday, February 19, 2009

We're home!!

We did it!! We arrived safe and sound late last night.

Our apartment is great! We are surrounded by boxes and boxes of stuff. We hope to be all unpacked and moved in by this weekend. Wish us luck!!!!!

The drive was pretty uneventful... there was a whole bunch of nothing between here and there. We drove 12-13 hours each day. That first day was really tough-- it was raining like crazy. We made it to the Arizona border and then crashed at a super 8 motel. The second day we made it to El Paso, TX! We stayed at La Quinta for the night in a smelly smoking room! Thank God for our air purifier that night. The third day we drove all the way to Plano, TX. It was an interesting day... we were both pretty spent by that time and I desperately just wanted to be out of the car even if that meant I had to jump from it while driving it! I had to pace myself.. I would look at the clock and say, "Okay, in 30 minutes it will be X time... then I will re-evaluate and give myself another time to look for..." it sounds lame, but I was desperate. The other lame thing was that all the different talk radio shows were repeats and after 3 days I had heard them all atleast twice!

We are happy to be here... C and I feel really good about this move and I have to say it really does feel like home. It feels really normal and familiar (even though I still get lost pretty easily).

Anyways, email me if you want our address and stuff. I still have my usual cell number from California. I won't be changing it.

Love everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea you had this blog. I just read the whole thing. I love it! I love you! I love you and Chris! I am so happy for you that I think I will leave for the Bay Area tomorrow and get on a plane Tuesday morning for uh uh.... for Texas! Yeh, that's where I'm gonna go... TEXAS. See y'all soon! By the way, how much ransom do you need for me to get my sons back? Tell the ghostB.that I'm comin' after her!xoxoxo mom
